xXWaspXx's votes:

xXWaspXx has made 17,275 total votes, with an average rating of 3.19.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?2pac's favorite film (5.00) (4.35) 
?Deep Dish Combo Mambo (1.00) (3.00) 
?achievementhunter (5.00) (4.50) 
?THE| SON| OF| ZA... (5.00) (4.38) 
?(nsfw) Uncle Tony's Pussyfinger Porno Sho... (5.00) (3.82) 
?Fy it up! (5.00) (4.15) 
?Puppets of Reversal (5.00) (3.65) 
?Angie Harmon: Actress, Leader (5.00) (3.69) 
?Purple City Programming (5.00) (4.09) 
?Robert Jeffrey Hill attempts to marry various items ... (2.00) (4.19) 
?Introducing YTMND 2.1! **50% MORE FOGHORN (5.00) (3.95) 
?this (title changed because the original sucked and th... (5.00) (4.23) 
?Sale! (5.00) (4.36) 
?skin tight jeans (5.00) (2.40) 
?][ THIS TIME IT'S NOT A TEST ][ (5.00) (3.95) 
?Summer's End (5.00) (4.22) 
?P:RRRRR:esidential Scandal - ON SALE! (5.00) (4.13) 
?WE DID IT AGAIN, AGAIN! (5.00) (4.19) 
?iameayfmih (5.00) (4.10) 
?よくたわごと (5.00) (4.44) 
?The dim alley lamp (5.00) (3.32) 
?Data PWNS his girlfriend (3.00) (4.18) 
?IT'S THE BROKENZ!!!!! (5.00) (4.50) 
?(nsfw) Uncle Tony's Pussyfinger Porno Sho... (5.00) (4.16) 
?U U U (5.00) (4.50) 
?Dr. Horrible's Trance Ray (3.00) (4.44) 
?all you touch and all you see (5.00) (4.40) 
?Rainbow Stalin uses YTMND's new features (5.00) (4.50) 
?missy@gmail.com (5.00) (4.30)