Yeah theres really no point... some other dude posted this anime screenshot with the music. I told him to do it with the Breakfast Club faces on it... He didnt. I did.
Yes, because even if it's not funny (hence all of yours, pettitman, save the Princess Bride ref.). Or completely nonexistnt (eligos). Then, well thats MUCH better. Seriously though. But I don't mind the downvoting, this site definately doesn't deserve a 5. But a 1? I'd reserve that for crappy *ss "wtf was this supposed to be" failures. *shrugs* Just me though. I don't get downvoting.
Have you seen the other racist fads? They are usually visuals where all you see are eyes and mouth on a black person. When I saw this clip in the trailer it's all I could imagine. I actually felt like standing up and shouting "That's Racist!"
Yeah it's unoriginal, but I'm too lazy to come up with original ideas.
Just doesn't synch up right... Looks like elizabeth is the one yelling SPARTA!!... I see what you tried to do there, though, and I thought it too. 2 for trying.
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