Not really, going by the current "let's all f*ck the UK" pricing scheme, the $ is directly comparable to the £. So a "retail for $599 US" PS3 costs.... £599... and likewise a $400 copy of Vista Ultimate costs... tada, £400. So you're likely to be paying £179.95 for that $170.95 accessory.
"Everyone should own a gun. EUROS SUCK" The police over here give a sh*t so it's not necessary and it means there's less chance of you getting shot by some random psycho as you walk down the street.
It would be nice if they were banned, but they aren't and the site continues to go to hell with religious crap, inside jokes and constant downvoting and the mods don't do sh*t.
Erm, you're seeing something that isn't really there, heh (which is the opposite of what it is supposed to be, seeing something that is there but hidden) ;)
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